• 04 JAN 23
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    Dental Routine to maintain Oral Health

    Dental Routine to maintain Oral Health

    Your dental routine plays a huge part in both improving and maintaining oral health and it certainly pays to stick to it. To start, you need a decent brush and toothpaste, preferably from brands recommended by your dentist. The Queensland Government recommends using a soft-bristled brush and brushing at least twice a day. Your toothbrush  should be replaced when the bristles become worn and saggy. It is also recommended to floss once a day before brushing, this ensures that no food is stuck between your teeth for longer than necessary. Mouthwash is also a useful defence against plaque build-up and helps keep your breath fresh. Some mouthwashes contain alcohol and are therefore not suitable for children, pregnant women and those who experience dryness in the mouth. 

    How to formulate a home dental routine

    Most people start a dental routine as instructed by their parents or guardians as children. However, as adults, it is easy to take shortcuts with busy lives and many other commitments. Formulating a routine that is relatively easy to stick to has the potential to save you pain, inconvenience and money in the future. If you have children, this is easier as you can brush, floss and use mouthwash together as part of an early year’s dental health routine and help them develop habits that will last a lifetime. Twice-yearly check-ups at your local dental practice should also be incorporated as part of your routine.

    Whether you need a check-up or are experiencing pain/discomfort that warrants further investigation, make an appointment with our dentist in Springfield today.

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